Looking for a spring-themed word family activity your kids will LOVE?!  This flower CVC match up is a playful way to practice sounding out three letter words.  CVC word games are fun and engaging way to introduce reading to kiddos!

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One of the most exciting things about teaching early readers is that moment when they figure out that they indeed can read!

When kids know their letter sounds and can begin to blend sounds into words, it truly unlocks a whole world of possibility for them. Not to mention how excited and proud they feel!

We always try to keep up the excitement for reading by making practice fun and engaging with hands-on, seasonal reading games like this flower CVC word game that your kids are sure to love, too.  Learning about word families is an important component to reading.

Flower CVC Match Word Game

Prepping this fun CVC word game was simple and took hardly any time at all.

I printed out the flowerpots and flowers, laminated them and then cut them apart on the solid black lines.

You could also cut completely around the flowerpot or flowers, but I find it’s easier for my kids to pick them up and grasp them if they are cut out like cards instead.

Before I introduced the CVC match up to our literacy centers, I played with a small group of students to make sure that they had the hang of it before sending them off to play on their own.

We got ready for some CVC reading fun by spreading out the flowers face up, and then putting the flower pots in a pile face down.

We took turns picking a flower pot card and reading the CVC word on the pot by stretching each sound. “f….a…..n – fan!”

Once we had blended each sound to form the word, we searched through the flower cards to find the matching picture and “planted” the flower in the pot by placing it on top of the flower pot card.

We kept taking turns picking a flower pot card, reading the CVC word and matching it with its flower until all of the flower pots had been matched!

There are 20 CVC words and flowers to match in all, so you can choose to work on as many or as few as your readers can handle at a time, or even on specific vowels.

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