Looking for a fun holiday rhyming activity?!  This reindeer rhymes center is a playful way to work on rhyming and CVC words this holiday season.

Snag your activity and then hop over and grab our best-selling Editable Sight Word Games in our shop!

Reindeer Rhymes

Getting Ready

I know that this time of year can be busy so the prep for this reindeer activity is REALLY simple.

I printed off the center and cut the words apart using my paper cutter. (If you want to make the cards extra durable you can laminate them!)

Reindeer Rhymes

I cut out the reindeer cards with my scissors and we were all set to make some merry rhymes!

(See?? I promised the prep was easy!)

Reindeer Rhymes

To start, I chose two rhymes to review: bin and mug.

I laid them on the table in front of my small group and laid out all of the word cards so students could easily see them.

Together, we read each word aloud and I had the kids vote on where it should be placed.

When we placed the rhyming word under a reindeer, we said the match out loud to confirm the selection.

Reindeer Rhymes

We worked through the cards until every reindeer had three matching rhyming words.

Extension Activities

Once we had gone through the center a few times, I put the activity out as a choice in literacy centers so kids could work through all 10 rhyming sets.

This rhyming activity was perfect for students who needed to work on their rhyming but could gain confidence by looking at the picture clue located on each rhyming word.

Reindeer Rhymes

Grab Your Reindeer Rhymes

Ready to play reindeer rhymes? Click on the blue button below to download your freebie and then make sure to check out our best-selling Editable Sight Word Games!

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  1. Thank you so much for always providing us with outstanding games and printables.

    1. You are very welcome Glenda! I’m so glad you enjoy them!
      Ashley // Happiness Ambassador

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