Make five quick & simple teaching tweaks that will skyrocket your students’ reading growth!

Day One

–> If you’re watching the video on your phone and can’t scan the QR code, grab your parent handouts here.

–> If you want the VIP upgrade, snag it right here.

Day Two

–> If the QR code isn’t working, snag the 114 sound boxes right here.

Day Three

–> Snag the phonics scope and sequence right here.

Day Four

–> Get the sound maps right here.

Day Five

–> Save $100 on your Reading Roadmap enrollment right here.

–> Or join for $97 for 4 months right here.


  1. Yes! I sent home the parent note. I hope my parents appreciate it.

    1. HOORAY, Shannon! I’m so excited that you jumped right in and sent home the parent letter. You’re already off to a fabulous start! I’m sending you a HUGE high five.

  2. Watching the replay for day 2 due to work hours. Yes, I did my homework. Thank you very much for the sound boxes!
    Quick question: How do I know which membership I have? I thought that I had the VIP bundle membership, however, I am unable to see page 4…?
    Thank you again for empowering me to teach my kiddos to become excellent readers!
    PS. I have been sharing what I am learning with my colleagues and now there are 2 teachers on my team ready to join this amazing SoR journey!

    1. Hi Karen! I’m so glad you asked about the VIP upgrade because, since you’re a Science of Reading Formula member, you automatically get it for free. Yay! Unfortunately, the system hadn’t added you to that list yet so I just took care of it. You’ll get your VIP email at noon PT / 3 pm ET today and it’ll include a link to the live call in case you’re available. (And I hope you are!)

      Thank you for inviting your teaching colleagues to join the challenge too. Empowering teachers with brain-friendly, science of reading tools and strategies is the ultimate gift because it makes teaching soooo much easier. I’m deeply grateful that you’re helping spread the word so we can get this information into as many hands as possible.❤️

      1. Hi Malia- I an currently watching day 2 reply. I appriatate the free training that will support so many teachers. I just wanted to point out , only bc we are on this learning journey, that I noticed 1 small error. When you counted the phonemes for box, you counted it as 3. It is actually 4- /b/ /o/ /k/ /s/. The x has 2 sounds.

        1. am not an, replay not reply, and appreciate not appriatate! 🤦🏽‍♀️

        2. Ahhhh, Shelby! THANK YOU. My fluent reader brain hopped into the driver’s seat. I’m so grateful that you caught my flub so I can be careful not to accidentally repeat that again in the future.

  3. Thank you for the sound boxes!! These are great!

    1. Hooray, Sheila! I’m thrilled that the sound boxes will come in handy. They’re such a simple little tool but they really do pack a powerful learning punch. 🙂

  4. I need to print them tomorrow and send them out. Watching day 2!

  5. I sent home the letters. Ready for day 2

    1. Woot, woot! I’m *thrilled* that you sent home the letters and are jumping feet first into day #2, Floretta. I can’t wait to follow along with all of your teaching success stories this week!

  6. I tried watching and it froze when Malia went to share her slides.

    1. Shoot, Peggy! I’m sorry that the video wasn’t working for you. Technology can be so frustrating some times. Does it help to refresh the browser or restart your device? Fingers crossed!

  7. Loving your class and am learning new tools, even as a first grade teacher of 12 years! Always something new to learn!

    1. Hooray, June! I’m thrilled that you’re enjoying the challenge and have already learned new tools. You hit the nail on the head – there’s *always* something new to learn! Please keep me posted if there’s anything specific I can help with this week. I am cheering you on! <3

  8. Loved the boxes! So much fun and so much learning!

  9. I already print papers from day 2. Very excited. I think we are going on the right path but we can do it better.
    I think i will love to learn how to make reading time. 2-How to teach better reading comprehension in first grade.
    Thank you for all your help.

    1. Hooray, Wendy! I’m thrilled that you’ve already printed the sound boxes from Day #2 and are excited to give them a try. Please keep me posted on how it goes. I’m cheering you on!

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