After making gummy worms dance a few months back, my boys have been BEGGING to make something else boogie and shake. So when I saw conversation hearts at the Dollar Tree store, I knew they’d be perfect for a new kids’ science experiment: dancing conversation hearts!

Follow the simple step-by-step below and then grab 30 more easy-to-follow science experiments kids will beg to repeat (plus a no prep science journal to keep track of their results!) in our shop!

Getting Ready

To prep, I gathered our supplies:

  • 4 Alka Seltzer tablets.
  • 1 cup of sparkling water (ordinary tap water works too)
  • A box of conversation hearts
  • A glass

We tried this experiment several times using different numbers of Alka Seltzer tablets and either tap or sparkling water.

Since conversation hearts are a little heavy candy-wise, the winning combination was a whopping four Alka Seltzer tablets and some sparkling water. It really took their shimmies and shakes to the next level. It’s not required though – the science activity worked with ordinary tap water, too.

Dancing Conversation Hearts Kids’ Science Experiment

We were now ready for the bubbly kids’ science experiment to begin! Middle Brother crushed up the Alka Seltzer tablets and placed them in the bottom of our glass.

Then, he carefully picked out a handful of his favorite conversation hearts and laid them on top of the tablets.

Grabbing the sparkling water bottle with both hands, he slowly poured in about 1 cup of water.

Dancing Conversation Hearts. Fun science for kids.

Then he sat back and watched with super excitement as the hearts began bobbing up, down and all around the cup.  Definitely a successful kids’ science experiment at our house!

Simple and fun science experiment for kids. Make dancing conversation hearts!

The Science Behind It

Similar to the reaction that occurs when you mix baking soda and vinegar, when you pour water on the Alka Seltzer tablets, carbon dioxide gas bubbles begin forming.  

These gas bubbles stick to the conversation hearts, pulling them up as they rise to the surface. When the gas bubbles burst, the hearts fall back down until enough bubbles form to pull it back up again.

The up and down movement makes it appear as though the hearts are wriggling and dancing.

More Simple Science Kids Will Love

Inspire kids to LOVE science with 30 more jaw dropping experiments they’ll beg to repeat! Grab 30 easy-to-follow science experiments (plus a no prep science journal to keep track of their results!) in our shop!

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      1. Hello Debbie,
        I am sorry that the experiment did not work for you, that can be very disappointing.
        But no worries!!
        Others have a trouble the first time, but then after trying a few times had great success, and reading through the previous comments might give you some new insight or ideas.
        I hope this helps!

  1. Hello from Third Grade,

    We are sorry to say that we have tried it twice and both times only the pink sweetheart floats. A couple of suggestions we have is that we could use sparkling water (we used tap), maybe we are supposed to put in a certain amount of hearts? Another conclusion we have is that maybe we should tap the bottom or use an actual glass (we used plastic cups). It’s a fun experiment to try–don’t give up!

    Thanks again,

    Third Graders
    Fish Creek, WI
    Gibraltar Elementary School

    1. Hi Third Graders,

      I’m excited that you’re thinking about how you can change different variables to make the science experiment work for you! Wonderful scientific thinking, kiddos.



  2. I have done this in the classroom with raisins and also gummie worms and cooked spaghetti. The children love it. You can’t beat Baking soda and vinegar for making great messes. lol I would not have thought of the candy hearts though. Thanks for sharing.

  3. This experiment was a lot of fun with my young 4-H kids. They had so much fun. I found it interesting that the Conversation Hearts started to dance a little before the Alka Seltzer was added. Do you think the fact that the Conversation Hearts have citric acid would cause this?

  4. Did not work for us at all. The tablets turned the water blue which made it hard to see to begin with. And the hearts never did dance even though there was a thick layer of foam after four tablets.….doc need a wet paper towel

    1. Hello Ilona,
      I am sorry that the experiment did not work for you, that can be very disappointing.
      But no worries!!
      Others have a trouble the first time, but then after trying a few times had great success,and reading through the previous comments might give you some new insight or ideas.
      I hope this helps!

  5. My experiment did not work. Do the alka-seltzer tablets need to be completely crushed?

    1. Hi Jennifer,
      I’m sorry the experiment was not successful for you. Have you tried it with sparkling water? We have found that the best combination is 4 alka-seltzer tablets to about 1 cup of water? Since the conversation hearts are a fairly heave candy, you need a little more “fizz” to really make them dance.
      Hope that helps!
      Ashley // Happiness Ambassador

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