This easy-peasy, low-cost kids’ science experiment uses borax to grow crystal names. All kiddos will love seeing their name shimmer and sparkle in the sunlight!

Crystal names are one of our favorite science experiments EVER.

Follow the simple step-by-step below and then grab 30 more easy-to-follow science experiments kids will beg to repeat (plus a no prep science journal to keep track of their results!) in our shop!

Even though my 5 year-old can easily write her name, she never tires of seeing it, especially when it sparkles and glistens.

We decided to use the same technique used to make crystal snowflakes using borax, a common household laundry product, to make crystal names.  The results were gorgeous and soon everyone in the family wanted their names in crystal too!

Uber cool! Make crystal names.

Getting Ready

To prep for this science activity, I gathered a few supplies:

  • Pipe cleaners
  • Fishing line (twine or yarn will work too_
  • Pencils or wooden skewers
  • Scissors
  • Glasses or plastic container {one for each color}
  • A container large enough to hold your name (if doing your name as a single piece written in cursive)
  • Borax
  • Food coloring (optional, if you want colored letters you can dye the borax solution or use colored pipe cleaners)
  • Liquid measuring cup
  • Tablespoon
  • Heat safe mixing bowl

Shaping the Crystal Names

Once I gathered all my supplies, I called my daughter, A, over and explained that we were going to make the letters of her name and then grow crystals on them.

I had her take white pipe cleaners and use them to form the letters of her name.

I showed her the plastic container we were going to use to suspend the pipe cleaner letter in and explained that the letter had to fit in the container without touching any sides.

Super awesome name activity for kids. Make crystal names!!

I wanted A to work on noticing what lines and curves made up each individual letter, so I intentionally had her form the letters one by one.

(Older children could connect a few pipe cleaners to form their name in cursive, making this activity even easier.)

Once formed, we used fishing line to suspend each letter a few inches from wooden skewers.

Crystal Names

Making the Solution

While A finished making her letters, I began heating a large pot of water.

I knew my 5 year-old would want to do the measuring and mixing, so I made sure the water was as hot as possible to help dissolve the borax quickly, without being hot enough to scald her.

A decided she wanted to make each letter a different color, so I set out 5 quart sized plastic containers and had A measure out 3 tablespoons of borax per cup of hot water (we used 9 tablespoons per container).DSC_0645

Once all the borax was measured, I poured 3 cups of almost boiling water into each of the 5 containers.

A, armed with a long wooden spoon, mixed each container until the borax dissolved.  She felt like a real scientist in this kids’ science experiment!

Next, she added several drops of food coloring to every container and carefully lowered each letter into the color of choice.


Waiting for the Crystals

Next came the hardest part of the kids’ science experiment – waiting!

I put the containers on a shelf and let them sit overnight where they wouldn’t be disturbed by curious hands.

After a couple hours, we saw some changes – mostly crystals forming on the sides of the container and also settling onto the bottom.

It was difficult to see what was happening to the pipe cleaners through the dark food coloring solution.

Brilliant! Make crystal letters in a jar. Such a fun way to help kids learn their name.

A and her little brother Q couldn’t wait to see how each of their names turned out and spent nearly an hour touching, arranging, and holding their letters up to the windows to see the crystals sparkle.

Once they were finished exploring their glistening letters, I carefully taped each child’s name up in a sunny window so they could be admired in all their sparkling glory.  This kids’ science experiment was fun because it was so personal!

Super cool science for kids! Make crystal names!!

The Science Behind It

When borax is dissolved in water a suspension is created. A suspension is a mixture that has solid particles (the borax) that are large enough for sedimentation (settling out).

As the borax begins to settle, it starts to crystalize on all the surfaces it comes in contact with – including the pipe cleaner letters.

As the borax continues to settle out, it builds crystals on top of other borax crystals creating a thick layer.

More Kids’ Science Experiments

Inspire kids to LOVE science with 30 more jaw-dropping experiments they’ll beg to repeat!

Grab the mega pack of easy-to-follow science experiments kids will beg to repeat (plus a no prep science journal to keep track of their results!) in our shop!

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  1. I’d like to do this in my classroom–how many letters could work in one container of borax/water? I’d like to do many at once instead of one container per letter. Ideas?

    1. Hi Mary,
      It will really depend on the size of your jar. You don’t want the letters to clump together – as that’s how the crystals will form. I would experiment with the jars you plan to use, but I’d probably say no more than 2-3 letters at a time.
      Ashley // Happiness Ambassador

    2. How about a used aquarium? I’m planning to do this in my first grade classroom at the beginning of the year when we read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. I think 3 small used aquariums (hello, parents?) would provide three colors to choose from. I hope that gives you an idea that might work.

      1. Hi Jennifer!
        That sounds like a great way to accommodate a lot of names.
        You may want to experiment ahead of time in order to be sure you have the solution ratio correct.
        We’d love to hear how it goes!
        Ashley // Happiness Ambassador

    1. Hi Amy,
      No, you don’t have to use only white pipe cleaners. The white just makes the crystals stand out a little more. A colored pipe cleaner might just now look as “clean” in the final product. Other than that, any pipe cleaners will do!
      Ashley // Happiness Ambassador

  2. Definitely going to try this with my after school group! Do you need to use glass containers specifically, or will any clear container work (plastic, acrylic, etc.)

    1. Hi Anna,
      So glad you’re going to try it! You can use glass or plastic containers. We’ve just found the glass to be a little more sturdy, but either would work!
      Hope your kids absolutely love it!
      Ashley // Happiness Ambassador

  3. Hi, what could I use in the UK instead of borax please?

    1. Hi Joelle,
      I’m so sorry, but I don’t know of a substitute that would give you the same results.
      Noirin, who actually wrote this post, might have some ideas, but I don’t have substitute. So sorry about that.
      If you find one, we’d love to hear about it!
      Ashley // Happiness Ambassador

  4. About how long did you have to wait in order to remove the crystal letters. I’m wanting to do this for a parent/teacher connection night that we are doing that is STEM-inspired, but need a timeframe to tell parents to wait…or to know if it’s even a possibility to do in the timeframe we have!

    1. Hi Theresa,
      Thanks for reaching out!
      You need to leave the crystal letters overnight or longer. You’ll start to see some changes after a few hours, but probably not enough to do in a parent-teacher connection night. You could build the names and send them home in the solution to sit overnight if you think that would work. Hope you have a lovely STEM-inspired connection night!
      Ashley // Happiness Ambassador

  5. About how long did it take for the crystals to form? I started these with my afterschool kids about 4 days ago, and so far, we’re only seeing a few tiny crystals forming on the sides of the glass. I have a feeling something didn’t work right with our batch.

    1. Hi Anna,
      Thanks for reaching out.
      Yes, you should really be able to see the crystal formation after about 24 hours. If it’s already been 4 days and you’re not seeing many crystals, the solution may have been off 🙁
      Let me know if I can be of any further help.
      Ashley // Happiness Ambassador

      1. Thanks- we tried again with hotter water and double the borax powder, and they worked SO much better! And the process made for a great trial-and-error experience for the kids to learn from.

        1. That’s wonderful, Anna!
          Thank you for reporting back!
          And you’re right, what a great learning experience for your kids!
          Ashley // Happiness Ambassador

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